Kathryen Oates
Operational Support 2016
I was so genuinely shocked to have received this, it means a lot to me and it’s nice to be appreciated for all the hard work I have put in over the last few years.
The Industria team ‘family’ are amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better bunch of people to work with.
Steph Kelly
Sales person 2016
This means my hard work has paid off and has been noticed, I must be doing something right....
I enjoy working for a fun and supportive team at Industria it's nice that we are like one big family.
Faith Cleverley
Contracts Manager of The Year 2016
This means so much to me, it shows that all of my hard work has paid off and is recognised by my managers who have put a lot of effort in to training me. I am completely honoured to receive this award and I’m looking forward to taking on 2017 with the Industria team. I really enjoy working for Industria because of the team, we are like a big family!
Kiera Mathews
Best Development of 2016
This really did make my night & year! It is a great feeling to have my hard work noticed and to be rewarded for just doing my job. I have enjoyed my year of working for Industria because of my work colleagues always being friendly and supportive throughout any situation (Didn’t win best branch for nothing!!) We are a close work family and tackle every task together which makes for a perfect team. Thanks for voting for me and here’s to many more years together.
Natasha Jheer
Best Onsite Person 2016
I was overwhelmed by the appreciation and gratitude shown towards me by Industria. It’s an absolute pleasure working for Industria as all the staff have always been very kind/supportive and it has always been a friendly working environment. I look forward to continuing to grow within the company. Everyday whilst working for Industria I have experienced fun times with my colleagues/client and I look forward to many more of these moments in the future.
Ieva Ivanauskiene
Best Newcomer 2016
I understand my award was given to me because I am amazing! - Lol! I believe the award was given for all the support and hard work I have provided as a newcomer to the Industria team in 2016. I did feel very surprised! We all do work hard to meet tight deadlines and make sure we are servicing clients and candidates to high standards. I do appreciate it so much that Industria awarded me, in my 6 years recruitment experience this is first time I have ever been awarded! Even after receiving this award I am not planning to stop improving and giving all my best to Industria. I love the friendly team, I always receive help and support if needed, new challenges every day.
Charlotte Gent
Employee of the Year 2016
I was really surprised to win and extremely honoured to have received such an important award of the Employee of the Year, which was voted by all of our team members around our many branches that nominated me as this means so much to me. I am very grateful for the recognition I have received for my work, because I am very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning this award. I never for one moment thought I would be nominated let alone win this category and I’m still shocked four days afterwards, and still keep pinching myself.
I love working with all the teams around the country - the variety of personalities we have and how much they all care as that's what makes us a great company - the work is so varied and there's always a new challenge around the corner.
Coventry Branch
Best Performing Branch 2016
The team are overjoyed at winning the best Branch for 2016 after working non-stop since peak 2015 our numbers didn’t dwindle much at all and we have gone from strength to strength. The award just cements what we all feel about the branch and team and we hope to carry on making a positive impression on the rest of the company next year and onwards. We are proudly displaying the cup in the office and telling anyone who will listen that we won!!
Andy McKenna & Paula Fox
We would also like to say a very big thank you again to both Andy McKenna and Paula Fox for organising such a successful and enjoyable Christmas Gala evening for us all.